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Solar panels in Valencian Community, Castilla La Mancha and Region of Murcia

Switch to self-consumption and let the Sun pay your electricity bill

PROYECTER - Placas solares en la Comunidad Valenciana, Castilla La Mancha y Murcia

How can we help you? Solar panels for houses, communities and SMEs

Solar panels for houses

Solar panels for communities

Solar panels for companies

What do we offer? Solar panels for self-consumption and batteries

Photovoltaic solar panels

Produce and consume your own renewable energy


Greater independence

What is photovoltaic self-consumption?

The installation of photovoltaic solar panels on your roof allows you to generate your own energy, taking advantage of it directly if you are at home when it is generated, or injecting it into the network if you are away, receiving compensation for it on your bill

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